all postcodes in CB22 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB22 6RN 8 1 52.114787 0.059594
CB22 6RP 28 1 52.11595 0.060817
CB22 6RQ 7 1 52.11501 0.059036
CB22 6RR 13 0 52.11653 0.06416
CB22 6RS 2 0 52.115714 0.063682
CB22 6RT 47 1 52.114139 0.066182
CB22 6RU 4 0 52.115421 0.063816
CB22 6RW 22 0 52.114257 0.05941
CB22 6RX 7 1 52.112603 0.066578
CB22 6RY 47 0 52.1139 0.063907
CB22 6RZ 48 0 52.112923 0.064767
CB22 6SA 72 9 52.116704 0.056748
CB22 6SB 7 0 52.117495 0.055236
CB22 6SE 11 8 52.116733 0.055258
CB22 6SD 6 0 52.117952 0.055841
CB22 6SF 39 0 52.114975 0.063621
CB22 6SH 16 1 52.120622 0.057613
CB22 6SJ 17 0 52.121068 0.054568
CB22 6SL 1 0 52.123433 0.053508
CB22 6SP 25 0 52.113682 0.055776